BC BookLook

BC BooklookAs more people gravitate to the internet for book news and book purchasing, BCBookLook will become increasingly integral to the book-reading public. Envisioned in 2012, designed in 2013 and launched in 2014, BCBookLook is an unprecedented, multi-faceted news service that amalgamates original articles, reviews, information on events, films, videos, audio interviews, the new BCBookAwards information hub and entrance to the gigantic ABCBookWorld reference service.

It also provides electronic replicas of the B.C. BookWorld newspaper (including back issues). Unlike many internet sites, it errs on the side of content. The goal of this umbrella initiative is to provide as much useful information as possible, about as many B.C. books and authors as possible, to as many people as possible, on a daily basis, via the internet.

The readership for this internet-based initiative is different from the readership of the newspaper periodical B.C. BookWorld, and so is the content. (There is absolutely no plan to discontinue the newspaper. It is as popular as ever.) Simon Fraser University Library serves as the essential host for this digital platform.

In 2016, the BCBookLook site added the Literary Map of B.C. with 200 locations for 200 B.C. authors. The site contains enough original text and photos for the equivalent of nine books.